About Rev.Joslyn

Ordained  Minister, Metaphysician, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, International Award Public Speaker, Author of Healthy Lifestyle Journey Journal, co-author of The Divine Feminine-My Relationship with God and many more internationally written books, proud mom,  CEO of Intuitive Wellbeing Institute and creator of The Sacred Spa. She is most frequently known as Rev. Joslyn, The Intuitive Wellbeing Educator

 My Personal Story and Message to You

Are you afraid to fully step into that powerful confident and poise leader you are? Then you are on the right page and if I can do it, then you can be unapologetic about being your authentic self, accept your intuitive brilliance, navigate successfully your career or life transition, rock bottom moments, or embark on your self-love journey and be a lady who’s ready to experience wholeness, living a lifestyle of joy and fulfillment.

Well into my adult years, I struggled with acceptance of who I am to the core. I was always holding back, trying not to outshine or make anyone uncomfortable. 

I was a leader, and I held many leadership positions and titles. I felt like a queen and had the outward persona of a queen, however, at my highest self,  Goddess Joslyn,  just like you are now struggling to accept your divinity and greatest I was doing the same. 

I was  afraid of people saying “Who does she think she is?” Afraid of people saying according to our Caribbean culture “She doh have the skin on her ass but she playing thing” meaning that I didn’t have financial wealth or affluent status symbols so I should settle for anything, most times much less than what  I deserved.

Subconsciously I was accepting the myth that I was not good enough and that I didn’t have enough to fully own and walk in my power.

I felt I didn’t have the status symbols, so who was I to be that person I felt on the inside, displaying the true essence of who I am and what I am.

I didn’t only hide my inner being but I sometimes hid my healthy eating and lifestyle practices, just to make others as comfortable as possible. 

So, although I knew I was a queen and a powerhouse, I refused to step into it fully.  I was that lady who would “tow the line” I would be myself with the few I thought accepted me then dim my shine for others.

 I was miserable.  I felt underestimated, overlooked, undervalued, a pushover and not living up to my full potential as a leader.

I was becoming restless, and insecure and settling for relationships, jobs, and things that were far from my value system. 

I was losing myself and the qualities that I held dearly. My social graces, spiritual etiquette, and beauty routines were slowly eroded.

I was becoming a wimp, afraid to set boundaries and be.  My inside was eating away, if I didn’t do something quick I would just be a shell.

Accepting the status quo for my life affected my healthy eating habits, brought my finances to rock bottom, and overall healthy lifestyle unclear.

My mindset was whacked. I slowly started to add unhealthy foods to my life, give in to cravings, and accept the martyr mentally, that I should be everything to everyone but myself.

In that state, I left my full-time job to pursue my passion and purpose, holistic health coaching.

I was very excited about helping people to create the lifestyle they’ll enjoy. However, I experienced lots of setbacks and it left me wondering why I was doing the thing I love and devoted most of my time to but still struggling. 

It was during the hurt and introspection I finally got to realize, I  didn’t fully embrace who and what I am. I was going around in circles, and sabotaging my success.

I allowed fear of “who do you think you are “to rule my life and stop me from doing the things that were necessary to keep me grounded and successfully building a profitable business.

My insecurities and self-doubt coupled with the limiting mindset fostered by my environment left me with a failed business, in debt, homeless, penniless, and desperate. I was in one of my life-threatening rock-bottom moments.

From these particular rock bottom moments I finally realized I had to stand up for myself. I had to own my power, I had to awaken my authentic self. I had to set boundaries and show up with gusto not only for myself but other ladies in leadership roles and their families.

The pain of this led me to seek therapy and coaching, peeling back layers of limiting beliefs. To stop looking for validation, to realize that my power is within me and not hidden in material resources.  ‌I had to accept that I was enough and give myself permission to accept that I was a powerful and successful leader. I had to speak my truth and accept the call of the High Priestess, helping women to prepare and accept living healthy fulfilled lives.

Armed with this knowledge from this dark experience and awakening, I humbly but confidently began to release, cleanse,  rewrite, and powerfully lead using the wealth and wisdom of Intuitive intelligence. 

I am now helping Leading ladies in leadership positions from homemakers to corporate leaders, who feel like they don’t fit in with their peers, have feelings of guilt for being successful, and are afraid to fully step into who they truly feel they are. 

Ladies who are afraid to fully express their true essence as a woman, due to various societal labels or limiting beliefs such as not feeling academically qualified, not having biological babies, not feeling wealthy enough, having relationship issues, being overweight and unfulfilled, dealing with health issues, divorce and worried to name a few.

Today I stand poise and confidently helping leaders to awaken and embrace themselves to the core,   regain their confidence, de-stress, clarify their diet, and thrive without apologies. You first have to get to know what and who you are, and fully accept yourself in whatever state you think you are at.  You are worthy. You are valuable just as you are whether your head is screaming no, whether you are feeling laden with fear of what if, feeling that you don’t have it together, tired and exhausted, feeling isolated and unfulfilled despite your accomplishments. You can transform your life and heal. living unapologetically healthy and whole.

Meet Rev. Joslyn, The Intuitive Wellbeing Educator

Rev. Joslyn’s work spans a lifetime of living and teaching healthy lifestyles. She lived and served relentlessly for years mainly within the Christian community, but not limited to their teachings and her spiritual exposure. Her work involved teaching and administrating women’s ministry and Christian education.  A worship team leader and devoted prayer warrior within one of her nation’s leading churches, facilitating spiritual development. As an educator within the Caribbean for over 2 decades; she taught in her homeland’s most recognized schools and NGO’s educational institutions serving as head of a department while teaching and preparing students for the Caribbean English A and Food, Nutrition & Health examination. She further extended her service as a resident assistant at the international NGO Mother’s Union in their children’s home in Trinidad & Tobago. Nutrition Instructor to Caregivers with GSI now Global Career Institute in Career Advancement Certificate Courses on the island of Trinidad catering to students in Trinidad, Jamaica, and St.Vincent.

Rev.Joslyn holds an International Iconic Women Award and many other academic and speaking awards internationally. She is a Competent Communicator from Toastmasters International and held the title of President-Elect at the Spice Isle Toastmasters Club. She is a Global Peace Ambassador and Peace Partner for the International Movements ALL Lives Do Exist, the TAPN2U movement, and many more international organizations.   She serves as a Nutrition, Wellness and well-being speaker and facilitator in women’s retreats and workshops for NGOs and other organizations, including the famous spiritual Emmaus retreat where women take time away from their busy schedule to focus on refreshing their well-being.

 She collaborated with the Ministry of Health, Grenada in many health and nutrition awareness programs to educate the public in developing healthy lifestyle practices and co-host the radio program “Let’s Talk Health “, teaching the nation healthy lifestyle principles of body, mind, and spirit.

 Rev. Joslyn is the proud mother of two, one since passed, and provided bereavement support to the different church communities to members who have lost their loved ones. In addition, to serving in and on NGOs, teaching and administrating both in Grenada and the island of Trinidad and Tobago. She is the Past Country Chair and Country Advisor for G100 Oneness and Wisdom, Trinidad Chapters.

 Rev.Joslyn is the founder and CEO of the Intuitive Wellbeing  Institute and Sacred Spa A home-based Metaphysical learning, self-healing, and empowerment space where she facilitates teaching, coaching, and counseling locally and internationally through, webinars, workshops, wellness circles, teatime and journal therapy, healthy cooking classes, retreats and more for health and wellbeing.

 This space was created to help heart-centered leaders and small business owners lead with intuitive intelligence, de-stress, and build skills to lead healthy lifestyles. Rev. Joslyn’s focus is to be of service to women who are transitioning or going through rock bottom moments by, teaching, coaching, and counseling them on taking care of their body, mind, and spirit to nourish, heal, maintain, and own their personal power, seeing wholeness through Sacred Self-Care practices. 

She has partnered with Oldways, a non-profit health organization as a nutrition Instructor teaching ‘A Taste of African Heritage’ classes to further help in teaching and bringing awareness to cultivate healthy traditional heritage diets of different cultures in her community and online.

Formal Education

Ongoing training and mentorship with the international Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Centre.

Mentorship and coaching with Internationally Award Speaker, Social Entrepreneur, and Modern Day Medicine Woman, Grandmother Elder Enolia     

University of Sedona-currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Conscious-Center Living

University of Metaphysics-B MSc in Metaphysical Science

St.George’s University- Psychology major 

Institute for Integrative Nutrition- Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Certification

University  of the West Indies- Teacher Education Certification

 Diploma in Fitness and Nutrition, several certificates in nutrition and dietary management of chronic disease from the Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute,  Massage therapy, and Esthetics. 

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